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Last Dance Saloon by Multistory Theatre

Last Dance Saloon by Multistory Theatre

Thu 12 Sep

Two people, no longer in the first flush of youth, find each other at a tango retreat in Buenos Aires. A spark is lit and their passion smoulders – this was meant to be. But one has work and family ties in South America, the other in North Devon. They settle into the frustrations of a long-distance relationship fuelled by regular tango sessions in Argentina, that include unexpected flights of the imagination. Then one of them weighs the ecological consequences.

A multi story mix of music, song, tango and stories ancient and modern.

“Sensitive, funny, moving, poignantly relevant and viscerally relatable.”

We’re Gill and Bill. We’re based in North Devon and, as multi story theatre company, have spent the last twenty-four years creating new work that responds to the times we live in. We have toured our productions both nationally and internationally – including working with twenty different Rural Touring Schemes across England and Wales, playing Fringe Festivals in Canada, USA, Czech Republic and Ireland, and performing in schools and colleges in Chile, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, Norway, Finland, Portugal, USA and Ukraine.

As theatre creators, and as audience members, we’re passionate about work that’s rooted in the local but speaks of the universal.

“Multi story illuminate their chronicles with intelligence and theatricality. Their approach is spare – there are no wasted movements or empty ideas. And they are marvelous actors.” – Canadian Broadcasting Company.